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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Differing reactions.......

It quite interesting receiving the different responses from people when I tell them I am not drinking anymore. I find myself wondering what demons others face.

I have to say the majority are quite supportive.....and strangely....the ones that say things like.."wonder how long this will last"...."you won't be able to do this" etc etc......are themselves using booze as a crutch and significant part of their lives. This of course reflects the prolific tendancies of many to make themselves feel better by casting doubt and negativity over others. I realise this is a response that is commonplace....especially here in Australia. I mean we are well known for our 'tall poppy syndrome'....and despite the fact that I am a tiny little poppy in the scheme of things....I am still out there vulnerable.

Thank goodness I can recognise this.....I am so thankful for the three years of counselling and coaching with a living angel named Chris. This man gave me incredible tools and knowledge and experience in psychology and awareness of self.....and despite it sitting in my mind for years and me not acting on it.....I find that now I can reach into my past...grab it....and bask in its comfort.

A close friend asked me yesterday why the hell I would go to the pub and be surrounded by booze and drunks when I was dealing with answer is simple....I was never one to go to the pub to get drunk....I mean it was never my goal.....I purely went to be around people I know and enjoy the company. I would come home and continue drinking till I passed out alone. So sitting at the bar sipping diet coke is quite easy really. In fact it is easier than I thought it would be.  Again I am not so naive to believe that I will never be tempted....but every single day I beat me one more piece of evidence and proof that I can do this.

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