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Friday, July 29, 2016

FRIDAY.....another week over

I am writing on a Friday instead of Monday this time.....and my language in this post is fairly abrupt and straight to the point!

Haven't even had one thought of drinking. Amazing. My life is too busy with planning, and goal setting and ticking off achievements.

I am realising that this is more than giving up alcohol, it is giving up  a mindset...and replacing it with a new one.

As I sort through events in my days, and the associated thoughts that accompany them, I find myself putting each one in either a 'Toss Out' box, A 'Keep' Box or a 'Sit It On the Shelf For Now' Box. I am de-cluttering my life.

I have no time for excuses...firstly from me and secondly from others. Bullshit does NOT have a place anymore. What other people do, say and think is NONE of my business, I really don't give a shit. Unless they are saying it TO me. And, if it falls into the 'bullshit' category...straight into the 'Toss Out' box it goes.

To put it in a vulgar sense, my arse is totally closed off from receiving ANY smoke which may be blown in that direction. I don't have time for wishy-washy blah blah blah anymore. I am busy. I am busy getting on with working on living.

My job is to make sure, I am healthy, happy, clear headed and focused on getting the MOST out of life. Not settling for 'almost' or 'nearly' any longer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said and good for you!!
I couldn't agree more with this way of living!