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Friday, March 25, 2011

'Clanger' of the Week.....

It has been a busy week filled with work of varying sorts. I was blessed to visit my favorite part of the whole world on Tuesday...the Grampians in Victoria. One of my clients lives at the foot of Mount Sturgeon in Dunkeld. It is such a magical place for me...
and I can't quite figure out why...but it just is.

The hour spent basking in the presence of this natural vista has left me feeling quite relaxed and settled. Oh and inspired as well. It feels as if my creative well has been replenished.

This is wonderful as it counteracts the rather negative influences that sneak around and infiltrate ones thoughts and reactions.

So I have decided that at least once a month, I will try and spend a day visiting the Grampians and Halls Gap so that I can wallow in its glory!!

Ohhhh andddd.....I have decided to pick the most interesting/funny/sad response to my non drinking and losing weight and talk about it each week. I am going to borrow the term 'clanger' from some correspondence I have had, hence the title of todays blog entry....'Clanger' of the week hahaha.

It gave me such amusement to hear the words "there must be something wrong with you if you don't have a drink, its just rude" being utterred by this particular person as they lost their balance, tripped and almost fell down a small flight of stairs...all the time clasping a glass of beer to their chest!!

Yes I can see the problem clearly now....I have something wrong with me...LOLLLLLLLLLLL....the problem is my uncontrollable laughter at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

Onto the next.................................

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