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Monday, July 25, 2016

6 WEEKSSSSSSSSSSS........42 days.....still going strong :)

Well I have had a week full of FLU......YUCK.

I am starting to feel better, but really need to take it easy. The past two days I also noticed a pain in my side. During my last attempt of sobriety I developed Gall Bladder pain......and found out that it can be a common occurrence when stopping alcohol intake. Well it's back, no where near as severe as last time, but still uncomfortable. Fortunately my diet is full of healthy stuff. Fridge is full of veggies and fruit etc and I eat sensibly.

Over the weekend though, due to my feeling like absolute crap with this chest flu, I did consume pizza and a couple of pies which have obviously contributed to the gall bladder situation. I am determined to avoid surgery so my diet awareness is paramount. I am also drinking at least 1.5 litres of water with lemon slices each day, which is fantastic for flushing and hydrating the ole bod.

All in all I am extremely proud of myself for my 6 week achievement!!

And now as the flu symptoms are beginning to subside, my mood is once again bouncing back to a more acceptable level.  No one feels good when they are sick.

So as I begin week 7,  I am looking forward with a smile on my dial :)

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