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Friday, February 11, 2011

Challenge met and won!!!

Well....last night was my first exposure to old habits. A friend came round with a six pack of beer, its a regular occurance once or twice a week. However, I happily sipped my fruit juice n diet cola the whole time.
 Still laughed like a loon with mah guest as we always do and the upshot was I could drive him home rather than him catching a cab. He couldn't believe it.

Not once did I crave alchohol during the whole night!!!! This is quite bizarre, it is like someone has stepped in overnight and installed a new operating system into my brain !!

Ohhhh rash is settling down too...noticably...I really think that I have struck gold with my decisions. Yayyy for me :)

I am debating whether to go to the pub for dinner tonight I ready for it? Well I will see how the day goes...I'm not going to put pressure on myself and fret about it...just re-assess at 5.00pm and see how I feel.

Bring on the day.....

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